Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a a letter ....from the Princess

Thank you for the emails of encouragement.....thanks S. for praying for God to free up my time.....I think we have that one covered now....LOL and J., the dream you had of us going to Mexico and I was pregnant and no one knew who the father was.....that was a nightmare, girlfriend.....but thanks for encouraging me to Be Still and let God be God which absolutely has nothing to do with the Mexico dream....LOL over that as well.....thanks J2 for assuring me that God will meet my needs as He has met your family's consistently......thanks all of you for lifting me to the Father with my transitional saga drama life.....Cathy would you like for me to teach one of your classes on transition? I seem to be getting much experience....... Seriously....all of you....thank you for letting me be are my sisters.....

There are two phrases that we will never hear God say - "Man I didn't see that one coming!" and "Oh my gosh, what are we going to do!" Isn't that awesome to know! And I know the events of the past few days bears evidence of that fact.

1. First, two weeks ago, at my request, D. puts an ad in the paper to rent the condo. With my paycheck instability things have been interesting so renting the condo would help take off the strain. The first day the ad ran I received a call and rented the condo out immediately. It is rented through October.

2. Sunday afternoon M. calls me at the spa and asks me if I was interested in substitute teaching at the school because they desperately needed subs. Well, my hours were cut due to the slow season ( I think) and yeah that could be a great option.

3. Monday I am fired from my job.
4. Tuesday I fill out applications for the sub. teaching. I also get an email from a teacher friend asking me "had I thought about subbing?".
5. My ministry idea is to start an afterschool program. At first, I was thinking and providing a means of supporting myself but as I have researched the area and needs of our community, the idea has shifted and changed and grown and now my heart is truly burdened for the children in our community.

Working within the school environment will allow me to observe and see first hand the needs of children and get a better feel of how to establish the program. I get to meet teachers and administration and form relationships with children and parents and teachers, I crazy (you really don't have to answer that...LOL) or do you see the pattern I am seeing?

My heart is burdened for Pagosa. I want to make a difference in people's lives - not just the ones that I know and love at Centerpoint Church but in the community I really love. I want to step beyond the doors of my church and be Jesus with skin on to those outside my church.

My request for you to pray is that I very clearly hear God's voice and direction. Perhaps the afterschool program is what I am supposed to do and perhaps not. I just want to be about my Father's business and be in the center of His will. I know beyond a doubt that I am called into ministry - I am just looking for the place......

And one more thing.....

Being fired from my job is okay. You know why? I once again have the opportunity to smile and give testimony to those around me and say, "God is in control. He is sovereign. Whatever Satan means for evil God intends for good. All things work together for GOOD for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose."

As I have received calls from the spa offering their sympathy, I find myself telling them, "It is okay." and giving them assurance that it will all work out. I don't have to be fearful over my future. Once more I get to say, "Weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning. Let me tell you, Monday, I started on a new vase of tears BUT today is a brand new day and guess what? The Joy of the Lord is my strength.

The Princess


Lion Lunch said...

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

The Princess crafted by God will find what is waiting for her to be doing.

jaye p said...

Thanks Lion lunch.....God is doing just that.