Okay - just because you haven't heard from me doesn't mean I'm not still delighting! Life has picked up pace. Started school - UoP - and am off and running on the master's. It will be fun because I really like the subject matter!
Had to do jury duty two days this week and that really messed me up on my paper writing schedule so I was up very late last night beating a 12 midnight deadline. However, we won't mention the fact that I procrastinated the last two weeks to get it done will we?
I am still reading,"The Sacred Sorrow" but can't read any further until I finish the book of Job. I have challenged myself to read Job all the way through as I never have and Michael Card challenges us to do so at the close of the section on Job. I read 5 chapters a day and have 7 more to go.
(you can tell I don't read everyday)
Also have started reading "Prayer" by Philip Yancey - love his writing. It is so honest and real and takes you out of the church box. I have also read his books called "What's So Amazing About Grace?" "The Jesus I Never Knew" and "Disappointment with God."
AND I am reading "Tomboy Bride" a book, actually, a real journal of a woman who traveled to Colorado to be with her husband during the Gold Strikes and her life living in a mining camp.
And trying to stay up with my reading for my school...and sometimes work.
This delighting myself in the Lord has made me be more disciplined. Don't laugh as you are not seeing the discipline in the blog writing. Inconsquential, actually. I find myself focused on being delighted. Not sad and worrying about stuff. The project has affected my attitude and thinking. It has changed the way I view my time with God.
The other morning, I woke up before the alarm went off. I lay there trying to go back to sleep and I felt this huge desire to get up and visit with God. Not pray. visit. What is the difference? For me, it was quite different. I didn't want to go before God with my usual prayer routine. I just wanted to talk to him....like a friend. No formal wording or the way I usually pray. (Do you think God ever wants to say to us, "Just shut up and talk to me?") So I got up and sat on my bed and had this sensation that God was sitting right there with me, crosslegged, right in front of me and we talked. I told him how things were going and how happy I am and just stuff. And we laughed. That was because in the course of conversation, I said I wanted to be like Paul having a tentmaker's kind of job and then I thought of Paul's life and all he went through and I stopped talking and that's when God and I laughed. Because the LAST time I told God I wanted to be like somebody - as in Darlene Rose - this missionary prisoner of war in the 1940's - my life got turned upside down. SO, I remembered that and so did God ...and we laughed and I said to God. "Let's put some qualifiers around that one." The whole 'meet with God' experience was SO amazing.
I don't really know why the beach scene is a place God takes me to but He does. As we talked, and it was SO comfortable, my mind ventured off to walking on the beach. And it was God walking with me, holding my hand and hugging me close as we walked along the seashore. I didn't ask him for anything - other than being like Paul - uh - having a tentmaker job like Paul - we just talked and It was good!
I find that I am living in a place most people rarely get to inhabit. No - they get to inhabit - but don't enjoy it. Not Pagosa - the life of unemployment. I am sure many would say, "We'll let you take this one for the team, Jaye." .....
I will continue this line of thought later - I must go walk as I have missed my routine all week. Walking also is great think time for writing. My head is overflowing. So
with that
Good morning! I'm off!
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