From yesterday...(this is my last email post as I will be using my blog-spot ...)
What a climb. As I think about the different climbs I have made in the last few years, I realized I have had this unconscious idea of "The End and she lived happily ever after." If I could just get the degree, I will "live happily ever after...." If I could just get a nice-paying job...If I could just be settled and not flitting from one place to the venture to the next.... of the biggest words in our vocabulary... (I still laugh at this saying my mom used to tell us when we used the word "if" - "Yeah, and IF frogs had tails they wouldn't bump their butts when they jumped either." We would kind of look at her like....huh?)
Miley Cyrus' theme song from the movie "Hannah Montana, The Movie" is called "The Climb." The words are exactly where I have been, where I am, and where I am going in life. Here are the words but I am going to break it down to what "The Climb" means to me...
I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming ( currently the degree...) but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it, (No the voice is saying "you still can't get a job")
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction (I'm not lost just confused and impatient over God's Plan)
My faith is shaking but I (My faith in God is steadfast and strong underneath but there are moments when I just flat don't understand..)
Got to keep trying (Hope....that is why I can't join Chris down at townpark and just give up)
Got to keep my head held high ( don't understand the plan but I am planting my feet firm on Jesus Christ and pushing forward walking and standing on faith)
There's always going to be another mountain (I am already planning on entering the master's program with Univ. of Phoen. in September)
I'm always going to want to make it move (There is always something else to accomplish - like that book mulling around in my head and heart)
Always going to be an uphill battle, (that is part of life)
Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose, (took a HUGE gamble this summer on a job and lost)
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's The Climb (think of all the adventures, lessons learned and places I have been - spiritually and physically! Can't say my life is boring!)
The struggles I'm facing, (seeking the career)
The chances I'm taking (living on faith - literally)
Sometimes they knock me down but (started wearing a butt-pad)
No I'm not breaking (I will NOT give in to despair or self-pity - I am Jaye Price, daughter of a King, hear me roar!)
I mean I know it
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah (It's not the good times we remember the most - it's the hard ones and the lessons we learn. How many times did we hear our parents say, "When I was going to school we had to walk 10 miles in the snow - barefoot - to get there!" They don't remember all the times they had shoes and got to school in a bus or warm truck or car....)
Just got to keep going (I will wake up everyday and say, "This is the day the LORD has made - I will rejoice and be glad in it! and think of something fun and productive...or maybe just do today)
And I,
I got to be strong (that label has been applied to me many times but I am only strong because in my weakness GOD becomes strong....."Jesus loves me this I know.....I am weak but He is strong")
Just keep pushing on, ( I refuse to sit down and throw my hands up and say, "I am done. This is too hard.)
Keep on moving (Walk tough)
Keep climbing (It's worth the climb)
Keep the faith baby (No worries there)
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
The thing about the climb is this....there is always another one. The realization I have come to is this: THERE ISN'T A 'THE END.....AND SHE LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER'..... until I close my eyes in the final sleep and wake up staring at my Jesus.
But meanwhile back at the ranch or rather at the Barbie Condo, Ms. Jaye will try to fulfill the words of her favorite quote:
"Life is not meant to be a gentle journey to the grave arriving in pristine condition, but rather a wild roller coaster of a trip, sliding in sideways, a mocha in one hand and a bar of chocolate in the other, completely used up and screaming whoooeeee! What a ride!" (or climb)
1 comment:
As is often said, "No pain. No gain" True in rocky peak, goat path climbing and in the spiritual counterpart.
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