I really hate crashing and burning.....and while it is good to climb out of the ash heap, I don't really enjoy that either because I am faced with the shame and guilt of wondering how I let my faith in God so completely diminish. hmmmmmm......the disciple Peter is so my brother.
In my post,"God, I am mad at you!", I ended it by saying I went to a ladies retreat. I think I will tell you about it. All week I had been reeling downward to the crash and burn pile.....and landed Friday. The last thing I wanted to do was be happy and socialize with a bunch of hyped up, excited Christian women but my friend said I was going. So I went.
Those that know me well know that Christian music is the key to my soul. God speaks to me through song so, so many times. As the music began, my heart hardened against every word sung. I sat in the back, arms crossed, face set hard ......my body language spoke it all....."God, you are not getting in my heart tonight. I am not listening to you!" I left as soon as the session was over. I am usually Ms. Sunshine and laughter and fun......the label "bubbly" has been attached to me many times. Not this night. My friends prayed for me but my heart would not hear or receive.
The next morning as we began the session with music, I found myself a little more open to hearing the words.....the music was really, really good.....I at least could admit that in my mad at God heart. I really felt God coaxing me to listen.....you know like when your husband or friend knows you are mad and they gently try coaxing a smile out of you....during the song "Your Love Oh Lord" (Third Day,)I felt God almost whispering, "Jaye, here is one of your favorite songs....listen...I put this one on LeAnna's heart just for you sweetie...." but in my petulant, childish temperfit mood, I inwardly turned my back and crossed my arms and said, "No...I don't want to listen." Then came the speaker.
Whether I wanted to listen or not, I heard and I could relate to this woman. At the end of her session she asked if anyone needed prayer and if so to stand and the ladies would pray over them. I couldn't do it. If I did I knew I would fall in a heap and not just cry but WAIL and sob. No thank you. No way was I going to make myself THAT vulnerable. As I sat in the very back, hunched over, the tears fell uncontrollably as I smothered and choked back the sobs.
My friend and I went out in the woods and she just let me vent.....again. Her heart was so burdened for me....powerless to put the joy back in my heart and face....she prayed.
The evening session came and at the end of this session, the speaker asked everyone to put whatever we needed to lay at the cross, at the cross. We were to write on a piece of paper and lay it at the foot of the cross. Prior to doing that she had prayed for God to reveal to each of us something separating us from Him. Um....ouch...the words "control and pride" slipped past the coldness of my heart. Control.....oh yeah...I am a control freak in ways. Then it hit me.
I have gone through a heap of crap in the last few years but I had steady money through all of it. Now I am at the most vulnerable I have ever been....the last vestige of being in control, taking care of me financially had been stripped away....as long as I can control the things in my life.....I don't get hurt. I realized I had trusted God with most everything but I could not 100% totally let go and let God be in control of every aspect of my life, especially finances. This layer on my heart was tightly bound. Jaye takes care of Jaye....or does she? I can't let this go....I don't know how to let this go..... I wrote the words "control and pride" on my paper and laid it at the cross (physically), ....I am not sure I can do it spiritually....my carnal self and spiritual self are now at war......now aint' that just a bucket of happy? You know I am absolutely kidding about that.
to be continued....
So looking forward to the end of the story! You know and I know (and I know you know) that He will come through. I'm ready to hear the God ending here!
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with puhishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." Lots of my stuff is now piled at the foot of that cross too. Keep writing, Princess. We are listening.
This must be one HUGE ash heap... What is going on? If it is any consolation...I'm going through my own "stuff" so I can sort of relate...still praying...xoxo
Hey Jaye, We need to pray, OK...
I want you to know I love you so..(God)Jn3:16. Do you think you can provide for yourself? Little Sparrow, you don't need to gather into barns. Your Heavenly Father will feed you and He will clothe you. "...For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains and the creatures of the field are mine... Sacrifice Thank Offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." Psalm 50.
"The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing...The Lord is near to all that call on Him in truth." Ps145.
Don't make the mistake I did and try to change one to be who they should have already been !!! Find a man with a job. Find yourself a godly man, one who feeds his flock near the shepherds tent.SoS1:8. One who magnifies the Word of God above all.Ps138:2.
Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every Word of God. Mt4:4. Let go... and let God be the air under your wings... Be ready to soar with Eagles.. it is your turn. It is your destiny.
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